
Canada Immigration – Ms. Naina Ali

Immigration Advisory & Consultancy

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Ms. Naina Ali is consultant with extensive experiece to facilitate visas and immigration advisory with proven track record.

Service Brief

Canada is one of the world’s top immigration destinations, with over 250,000 new immigrants arriving in Canada every year to take advantage of the country’s strong economy and progressive immigration system – a system so progressive that the Canadian government’s statistics department predicts that by 2031 over half of all working age people in the country will have been born overseas.

With the current level of opportunity for migrants there has never been a better time to apply for a Canadian visa. The Canada immigration section of our website has been created to help those seeking to live and work in Canada to get their visas promptly and with a minimum of trouble, and our dedicated in-house Canadian immigration consultant the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council can help with all of you Canadian visa needs.

The Skilled Worker category is a very popular visa programme intended for people with high levels of skills and experience 

The Canadian Business Immigration category is specially designed to attract skilled businesspeople to Canada 

The Provincial Nominee Program helps employers in Quebec and other provinces to meet their needs by hiring migrant workers 

There are also a number of Family immigration programs in Canada; 40 percent of the annual immigration to Canada is under the family reunion and refugee programs

With our Canadian immigration guides moving to Canada is easy and hassle free. Go to our relevant links for extensive information about Canada visas, Canadian work permits, Canadian citizenship/permanent residence, and more.

Our team of specialists has over 25 years of experience in immigration services, and have helped thousands of people to study and work in Canada. 

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Account No: 001994256
Branch Code: 0140750
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